Thursday, February 16, 2012

Actively Waiting on God

We spend much of our time waiting. In line at the grocery store, at the car wash, for the coffee to brew, water to boil, the mail to come, at a stop light, on our spouce to get home from work. In each of these waiting situations we are expecting something while we wait. Much like this, we wait for God  to work on our behalf. We must not just sit and wait and do nothing waiting for Him to rescue us, we do what we can while we wait; expecting Him to come through. For example, if we have credit card debt...we need to start putting every extra dollar towards paying off our debt. Maybe I don't have $10,000 to pay it off, but I can put this $5.00 toward the debt today, and maybe $5.00 next week.  If we do what we CAN do, God will do what we cannot do. We take little steps toward the goal having faith that God will take over when we can no longer make progress. God wants us to depend on him.  He is honored when we ask Him to move on the behalf of His children.
    Psalm 62:5&6 says that my hope and expectation are of Him. "I shall not be moved," meaning that I will not give up. God likes when we say "I'm expecting You to keep the promises you made."  Lamentations 3:25&26 says that God is good to those who wait, hopefully. We must expect Him to move. Don't just sit idle and say... 'well, I'm waiting on God'. If we have a need we have the right to expect Him to work on our behalf.
Don't give as much as you can while you wait for Him to complete the job. It is so much fun to watch how God will step in for us. He is so creative.

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