Saturday, January 7, 2017

Eternity How will I spend it?

Thoughts tonight are swirling in my mind. I just found out that our Jewish friend from NYC passed away 4 days ago. I have known her for about 18 years. Did my life have an impact on her? Did it change anything for her eternity? I'm wondering if she is in heaven. I don't know.
I listened to John  Bevere's Affable Window to Eternity this week. I was impressed that there are so many factors to what one experience after death. We will face the Great White Throne Judgement to find out if our name is written in the Book of Life, and then we also will stand in judgement and give account for every word we spoke, every action of our life....It's sobering... I want to cry... I picture my Dad standing there. I have no question that his name was in the Book... how did he fare in the next judgement?  How many did he impact for Jesus? I know he touched a lot of lives for Jesus. Were there any regrets? It determines how we spend eternity. Eternity. It's a long time. Forever. John Bevere says "For believers the question is not where will you spend eternity but HOW will you spend it?  This judgement isn't based so much on what you did for Jesus; but did you do what He called you to do?"  I wonder if this is what brings the tears that God wipes away?

Did Jesus intend for me to meet Rena so that she could hear about Jesus? Did I tell her? I don't recall a conversation about it directly, although I did include some about Jesus in my Christmas letter each year. This year I did not send one. Did she know Him?

What does this change for me? I have been thinking today of how serving without recognition and even when I don't feel like it. It has given me a new view. I will serve without notice from others, and even if I'm not treated fairly, or properly thanked or whatever. I want my attitude to be... I will do it for Jesus, even when my fellow worker/family or whomever it is doesn't treat me right. I choose the right attitude. In light of Eternity. This life is short compared to Eternity. When we live our lives in light of eternity we will do things we thought we could never do, we endure things we never thought possible. What is my focus?

I was also thinking the other day that I would like to have a small group study at my house to listen to Affable Window to Eternity.... Lets do this, learn together. Who wants to do this with me?

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