Friday, June 1, 2012

Step out in Faith

In Hebrews it says that "without faith it is impossible to please Him". so how do we grow our faith? Sometimes when we have prayed for a certain situation and we still don't really know what to do we need to 'step out and find out'. It's sorta like standing in front of an automatic door at the grocery store. We can stand there all day and look at it but if we don't step forward and trigger the mechanism; it won't open.  If the step we take is not the right one, God can still use that step to advance our position, because we are trusting Him to lead us.

There are many times in life that we need to step forward to see if God will open a door. Some doors open right away and others will never open, no matter what we do.  When God opens a door, go thru it and if he doesn't,  then be satisfied to go a different direction, but don't let fear trap you into inactivity.

(inspiration taken from Hearing from God each Morning)

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